The Standard

The Official Blog of Health Level Seven® International


HL7 Da Vinci Project October Community Roundtable to Highlight Clinical Data Exchange

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 21, 2021 4:28:36 PM / by Diana Manos posted in FHIR, Payers, Da Vinci, value based care, FHIR Accelerator, CDex, clinical data exchange

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The Da Vinci Project’s October Community Roundtable, to be held Oct. 27 from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. EDT, will feature Clinical Data Exchange (CDex)

This “Swiss army knife” of implementation guides (IGs) is responsible for identifying, documenting and constraining specific patterns of exchange so that providers and payers can reliably share patient information and coordinate care.

The scope of the CDex encompasses defining combinations of exchange methods with specific payloads, search criteria, conformance, provenance, and other relevant requirements, to support specific exchanges of clinical information between providers and and/or payers. CDex is also responsible for aiding in risk adjustment and quality reporting--and it helps payers to identify whether a requested service is necessary and appropriate.

The roundtable, titled, “Harnessing Clinical Data Exchange (CDex) to Improve Performance within Value-Based Care,” will give a current snapshot of the functionality, benefits and capabilities of CDex, helping providers to share the clinical data they have generated with payers and other industry partners.

At the roundtable, members of the Providence team will share their strategy for using CDex to support payer value-based care arrangements focusing on their initial target to achieve supplemental data exchange.

Presenters will include:

  • Viet Nguyen, MD, Technical Director, HL7 Da Vinci Project, and Clinical Informaticist, Stratametrics, LLC
  • Semira Singh, Product Manager, Population Health Informatics, Providence
  • Michael Westover, Vice President, Population Health Informatics, Providence

Come to the roundtable and learn how HL7 is making progress on CDex, with its eye on what remains to be conquered to provide the fully maximized data exchange needed to support value-based care. The good news is, HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR®) is helping to drive interoperability forward, and Da Vinci is poised to accelerate that data exchange in such a way that it will greatly reduce the burden between providers and payers.

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CodeX: Patient Voices Series, Part 2 - The Overlooked Negligent Homicide: Bias and Racism in Healthcare

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 20, 2021 12:51:30 PM / by CodeX FHIR Accelerator posted in FHIR, HL7, health IT, Patient Experience, FHIR Accelerator, FHIR Community, CodeX

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Weclome to CodeX's New Patient Voices Series!

CodeX recently talked with cancer patients, survivors, and advocates to hear their stories and learn more about their perspective through the cancer care coordination process. CodeX (Common Oncology Data  Elements eXtensions) is a HL7 FHIR Accelerator, launched at the end of 2019, that is building a community to enable interoperable cancer data modeling and applications that lead to step-change improvements in cancer patient care and research 


Bias in Healthcare is Deadly

“It’s almost like negligent homicide. Because of the bias that’s there—whether it’s explicit or implicit—is resulting in these people—patients of color—not receiving the full scope of care that they should be.” Jamil Rivers is a person with breast cancer and the Founder of The Chrysalis Initiative.

The Chrysalis Initiative is a patient advocacy organization looking to disrupt harmful disparities in accessibility, quality and outcome of cancer care. Looking at the source of disparities is the first step to rectifying them, and The Chrysalis Initiative provides equity assessments that evaluate all types of healthcare services that offer cancer care. The assessments evaluate whether the experiences of patients of color differ from White patients. When Jamil first started the equity assessments, she expected around 50% of patients of color to experience racism and bias. However, Jamil quickly discovered that this number was much higher. “90% of our preliminary data indicated that they [patients of color] were receiving substandard care and experiencing racism and bias in their care.” According to Jamil, many medical providers and researchers are cognizant of racism and bias affecting patients, but few understand the true pervasiveness of explicit and implicit racism in patient care. Even biases that at first glance seem trivial can be deadly because each action based upon bias deteriorates the quality of care a patient receives.

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CodeX: Patient Voices Series, Part 1 - Communication: The Key to Patient-Centered Care

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 12, 2021 9:34:56 AM / by CodeX FHIR Accelerator posted in FHIR, HL7, health IT, FHIR Accelerator, FHIR Community, CodeX

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Weclome to CodeX's New Patient Voices Series!

CodeX recently talked with cancer patients, survivors, and advocates to hear their stories and learn more about their perspective through the cancer care coordination process. CodeX (Common Oncology Data  Elements eXtensions) is a HL7 FHIR Accelerator, launched at the end of 2019, that is building a community to enable interoperable cancer data modeling and applications that lead to step-change improvements in cancer patient care and research 

Creating Patient-Centered Care

“We see patient-centered care as the patient is in the center, fully alert, fully informed, and fully able to contribute to the information as well as what [treatment] they want to happen in their lives.” Debi Willis is a kidney cancer survivor and the CEO and Founder of PatientLink and MyLinks. The phrase “patient-centered care” is frequently mentioned, but what do these words really mean? According to Debi, patient-centered care is sometimes mistakenly interpreted as having multiple medical professionals focusing on a single patient where the patient has little understanding nor input in decisions that are made. Instead, “patient-centered care” should involve the patient in all decision making and ensure that the patient understands all decisions that are made throughout the care process.

In the early 90s, Debi worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City as a software engineer. She noticed that the financial sector was highly automated, but the healthcare industry was almost completely reliant on manual entry of data. Medical providers who switched to using EHR (Electronic Health Record) systems found them tedious and difficult to use. To explore the new field, Debi switched from the banking technology industry to medical technology and created software that would allow patients to easily send their information into their physician’s medical record as structured data. This allowed the physician to focus on their patient instead of typing into the EHR. Although it wasn’t in her initial plans, the demand for her technology from medical providers led her to launch PatientLink.

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HL7 Da Vinci Project Roundtable Offers Update on Emerging IGs and a Demo of Prior Authorization

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 16, 2021 3:09:50 PM / by Fred Bazzoli posted in FHIR, Payers, Da Vinci, value based care, prior authorization, FHIR Accelerator, patient cost transparency, burden reduction, Risk Adjustment

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Da Vinci Project's Monthly Meeting to Describe Progress on Price Cost Transparency and Risk Adjustment Initiatives on Wednesday Event, 9/22 at 4:00 pm ET

Important updates on two implementation guide initiatives and a demo of how standards could support prior authorization burden reduction are on the agenda for the next Community Roundtable of the Da Vinci Project.

The roundtable will begin with an update from the project management office of the Da Vinci Project, which will feature updates on the status of the Price Cost Transparency and Risk Adjustment Implementation Guides (IGs). These efforts to use HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR®) are more complex than previous initiatives. Both efforts anticipate challenges that the industry will face to make healthcare costs more transparent and to accurately reflect patients’ comprehensive conditions and risks related to reimbursement for coverage.

After the update, the prior authorization demonstration will show how FHIR IGs can be used to reduce administrative challenge of anticipating prior authorization documentation requirements, a nagging concern within the industry.

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HL7® FHIR® Emerges as a Key Tool in Achieving Interoperability in Healthcare

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 10, 2021 3:44:30 PM / by Fred Bazzoli posted in FHIR, HL7, health IT, HIMSS, Da Vinci, CARIN Alliance, Gravity, FHIR Community

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Sessions at HIMSS21 Offer Glimpses into Progress, Potential New Uses for the Standard

After a hiatus of nearly 18 months, a slimmed-down, COVID-sensitive HIMSS 2021 Conference still managed to provide extensive insights into several major trends within the healthcare IT industry.

Along the dual tracks of federal regulations forbidding information blocking and the need for improved data exchange to facilitate, there were many discussions about the capabilities of HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) to support the industry.

The HL7 FHIR community had opportunities at the conference’s Interoperability Showcase to update the industry on dramatic progress by its accelerator groups to advance the use of FHIR in areas where data exchange is essential.

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CMS HL7® FHIR® July Connectathon Recap

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 27, 2021 2:06:36 PM / by Health Informatics and Interoperability Group posted in FHIR, HL7, HL7 community, health IT, CMS, FHIR Connectathon

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In July 2021, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) hosted its second HL7® FHIR® Connectathon, welcoming over 800 participants from Federal agencies, payer organizations, and the health IT industry to a three-day event with more than 70 presentations focusing on education, implementation guide testing, and community-building around Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)-based application programming interfaces (APIs).

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HL7 Da Vinci Project Roundtable to Discuss Progress on Efforts to Use FHIR at Scale

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 24, 2021 2:43:55 PM / by Fred Bazzoli posted in FHIR, Payers, Da Vinci, value based care, ONC, payer data exchange, FHIR Accelerator, PDex, ONC FAST

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Recent Initiatives of the ONC’s FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) and Update on Payer-to-Payer Mandate are Key Topics for Wednesday Event, 8/25 at 4:00 pm ET

The success of the HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR®) standard is becoming increasingly evident.

Successful case studies are emerging. For example, a recently published HL7 case study documents how MultiCare Connected Care and Regence are recognizing significant cost savings by using a FHIR implementation guide standard to definitively ascertain that medication reconciliation has been completed. This case study can be found at .

But these isolated successes beg the question – can FHIR be used more broadly, and implemented more widely across the country, handling a multiplicity of interactions across dozens of healthcare organizations simultaneously?

That is the task given to the ONC’s FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST), which is seeking to determine solutions and opportunities to influence emerging solutions.

Progress by the ONC FAST effort is of prime importance to the dissemination of FHIR solutions to solve information exchange challenges in healthcare. The panel’s progress over the past year will be one of the topics of the Da Vinci Project’s monthly Community Roundtable event, to be held from 4 to 5:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday, August 25.

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Payer-to-Payer Data Exchange Highlight of HL7 Da Vinci Community Roundtable

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 23, 2021 9:22:40 AM / by Fred Bazzoli posted in FHIR, Payers, Da Vinci, value based care, payer data exchange, FHIR Accelerator, PDex

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HL7 Da Vinci Roundtable  on July 28 from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. ET to Feature Payer-to-Payer Data Exchange

Join the Da Vinci Project next Wednesday at its July Community Roundtable titled "Payer-to-Payer Data Exchange: Rising to the Opportunities and the Challenges." The session will focus on the use of HL7's 's Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) for payer-to-payer data exchange, highlighting the Payer Data Exchange (PDex) use case.

Presenters for the session include:

  • Michael Gould, business lead - interoperability at Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
  • Patrick Murta, chief interoperability architect & solutions architecture fellow, Humana
  • Heather Kennedy Tanner, director of enterprise architecture, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
The roundtable will feature a current snapshot of Da Vinci's efforts to create a nationwide interoperable approach among payers using PDex-based data exchange. Discover the dynamics you'll encounter in achieving payer-to-payer exchange compliance such as consent and endpoint discovery. You will gain a foundational understanding of the regulatory requirements, learn about technical and business challenges and benefits from real-world implementers, and gain insight into how the industry is working together. 
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Clinical Data Exchange Gets Increased Attention to Meet Efficiency Goals, Regulatory Challenges

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 22, 2021 4:28:39 PM / by Fred Bazzoli posted in FHIR, Da Vinci, value based care, FHIR Accelerator, CDX, burden reduction

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Da Vinci Roundtable  on June 23 from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. ET to Look at the Potential for Getting More Value from the Use of Standards

Exchanging clinical data sets is getting more attention, particularly as healthcare organizations focus efforts on gaining efficiency and improving clinical care, while reducing clinician burden.

The ultimate challenge is freeing the data contained in these communications and making it computable and usable with minimal or no manual intervention. That looks ahead to the incorporation of fielded data, which will enable the use of agreed-upon approaches to make data usable.

Sharing the current state of the art for these advances through the use of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) will be the focus of the June Community Roundtable of the Da Vinci Project, taking a deep dive into the Clinical Data Exchange (CDX) use case.

The session, with the title of “Demystifying Attachments to Enable Clinical Data Exchange,” will take place from 4 to 5:30 p.m. ET on June 23. The roundtable will focus specifically on the importance of implementing clinical data exchange capabilities, to anticipate emerging data exchange requirements and potential regulatory efforts.

Steven Lane, MD, MPH, clinical informatics director for privacy, information security and interoperability at Sutter Health, will share the clinician view regarding the challenges, opportunities and benefits of standardized data exchange.

In addition, Mary Lynn Bushman, agile product managers for National Government Services, will showcase their attachments implementation and production successes that it’s experienced with more than 1,500 provider organizations, improving multiple workflows and reducing burden. Da Vinci’s Technical Director Viet Nguyen, MD, will discuss emerging capabilities for provider-provider and provider-payer clinical data exchange.

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U.S. Federal Health Data Solutions in the Era of Interoperability

[fa icon="calendar'] May 25, 2021 4:30:17 PM / by Will Rosenfeld posted in FHIR, HL7, HL7 community, interoperability, SMART on FHIR, Clinical Quality Language, COVID-19, public health, CQL

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Federal health agencies have entered an era where data interoperability-enabled solutions play a critical role. Government leaders can harness the innovative and proven capabilities referenced in this article to deliver on their essential missions.


In 2020, two major events laid the foundation for this era of interoperability.


Pandemic Response: The first was the coronavirus pandemic, which led to unprecedented needs for health data in support of agency missions. Since its start, decision-makers have required more access to and insights from these data (e.g., clinical records, administrative claims, patient experience) than ever before.


Interoperability Rules: The second was the finalization of the ONC and CMS-led 21st Century Cures Act interoperability rules. These mandates substantially expanded agencies’ ability to leverage health data solutions (e.g., algorithms, applications, and automation) at scale.

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