The Standard

The Official Blog of Health Level Seven® International


March HL7 Da Vinci Project Community Roundtable Highlights Real World Transformation of Provider/Payer Data Conversations

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 21, 2025 2:13:00 PM / by Howard Anderson posted in FHIR, Da Vinci, DEQM, prior authorization, FHIR Accelerator, CDex, FHIR API, CRD, DTR

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March 26 Session Features Demonstration and Lessons Learned from Cognizant and Infor

What’s the most effective way to streamline the exchange of data among providers and payers for a wide variety of purposes? Find out at the next HL7 Da Vinci Project Community Roundtable: “Transforming Healthcare End-to-End Data Conversations.”


This free webinar, to be held at 4 p.m. ET on March 26, will show how two Da Vinci member organizations are working together to transform provider/payer data conversations by applying Health Level Seven's (HL7®) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) application programming interface (API) standard.


In addition to a demonstration, presenters will address the lessons learned so far in using the FHIR Implementation Guides for Coverage Requirements Discovery (CRD), Documentation Templates and Rules (DTR), Prior Authorization Support (PAS), Clinical Data Exchange (CDex), and Data Exchange for Quality Measures (DEQM), including Gaps in Care.  

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HL7 Da Vinci Project Implementation Guide Progress Highlighted at Upcoming Community Roundtable

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 16, 2025 4:56:12 PM / by Leslie Amorós posted in FHIR, Da Vinci, FHIR Accelerator, burden reduction, CDex, clinical data exchange, FHIR API, CRD

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Are you ready to go for 2025? 

Join the HL7 Da Vinci Project technical directors next week to learn the latest Da Vinci implementation guide developments. 

Ready to Go! 2025 HL7 Da Vinci Project Implementation Guide Progress, will be held online Jan. 22 at 4 p.m. ET.  As a participant, you will learn about Da Vinci’s use cases and the use case progress across the Da Vinci implementation guides. Da Vinci Project’s technical directors will provide an overview of all the use cases spanning clinical data exchange; coverage, transparency and burden reduction; quality and risk use cases; and foundational assets.  

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear an overview of each use case and learn about implementation guide functional enhancements and resources.  You will also learn the status and maturity of the guides to help inform your planning for your 2025 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) implementation staffing and allocations. 

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Trebuchet Pilot Program Demonstrating the Practical Use of HL7® FHIR® Transactions

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 13, 2024 9:54:49 AM / by Howard Anderson posted in FHIR, Da Vinci, prior authorization, FHIR Accelerator, PDex, CDex, FHIR API, TEFCA, CRD, HIPAA Exception, Trebuchet Project, QHIN

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One of the most efficient ways to exchange data among providers and payers for prior authorization and other purposes is by taking advantage of standard application program interfaces (APIs) and a central hub to avoid manual processes and support of point-to-point interfaces.

The HL7® Da Vinci Project’s new Trebuchet pilot program, launched earlier this year, is enabling additional pioneers to test that approach.

Trebuchet was created when Da Vinci members Regence, MultiCare Connected Care, and Blue Cross Blue Shield Arkansas sought ways to pilot Da Vinci use cases on the emerging TEFCA framework. They contacted multiple Qualified Health Information Networks, or QHINs™, to gauge their interest in joining the pilot. eHealth Exchange joined the effort to perform the QHIN functions and provided valuable project management support.

The team named the coalition “Trebuchet” to illustrate how the success of a third-century military catapult could inspire providers, payers, and a QHIN to accelerate trusted and scalable exchange. 

As efforts advanced and participants increased, Trebuchet asked Da Vinci to take over project management. Now a priority project adopted by Da Vinci, Trebuchet is proving how eHealth Exchange’s nationwide trust model and “Networked FHIR” architecture rapidly deploy Smart-on-FHIR Prior Authorization and Clinical Data Exchange (CDex) at scale

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HL7 Da Vinci Project Use Case Progress Aids Market Readiness

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 20, 2023 9:31:58 AM / by Howard Anderson posted in FHIR, Da Vinci, value based care, DEQM, prior authorization, alerts/notifications, notifications, coverage requirements discovery, documentation templates and payer rules, FHIR Accelerator, FHIR Connectathon, patient cost transparency, PDex, FHIR Implementation Guides, burden reduction, CDex, member attribution, VBPR, Value-Based Performance Reporting, CRD, PCT, HRex, prior authorization support

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2023 Accomplishments Position Industry for Year Ahead

Substantial progress has been made this year on HL7 Da Vinci Project Implementation Guides (IGs), which describe how to use HL7’s Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (HL7 FHIR®) standard for exchanging data to support value-based healthcare and implementations of the guides.

Sizing Up Accomplishments

At the December Da Vinci Community Roundtable, Hans Buitendijk, Da Vinci Project Steering Committee Vice Chair, reviewed progress this year and offered an outlook for 2024.

We have a number of organizations across the spectrum that have adopted one or more of our [FHIR implementation] capabilities. … That's fantastic in the short number of years that this initiative started to look at what is necessary to make it happen,” Buitendijk said.

“We currently have about eight publishing updates that have been accomplished and quite a few ballot processes that are in flight and being planned for, and there is a good amount of commitment to making this happen. So, we really need to be proud of what we have achieved to date, and particularly in the last year.”

In the year ahead, alignment with emerging regulations, including the final CMS Interoperability Rule, will be a top priority, he pointed out.

Interoperability efforts must go beyond a general set of data to ensure adequate support for public health, research, quality measures and more, he added. “We are all going to impact the ability and the opportunity to share more data over time,” he said.

The key to advancing interoperability by leveraging FHIR, he stressed, is to involve many different parties and develop the same language where we have a minimum set of capabilities that everybody can support, and leaving room … to grow, to explore, to define new things.”

He also pointed out: “We must continuously raise the bar for what we can exchange and determine what is relevant across many different stakeholders that we should all do in the same way … because the data that we have covered so far is still only a part of the variety of data exchanges that are relevant and can benefit from improvements."

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