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Automating the Retrieval of Duplicate Remittance Advice Using HL7 FHIR API May Lead to Significant Time Savings

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 5, 2024 1:29:59 PM / by Howard Anderson posted in FHIR, Payers, API, Da Vinci, FHIR Accelerator, FHIR Implementation Guides, Postable Remittance, X12

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Industry invited to join and participate in the HL7 Da Vinci Project’s newest use case conference calls

Retrieving a duplicate of remittance advice that was previously issued by a payer is a headache-inducing manual process that can involve the use of web portals, phone calls, faxes and emails.

But implementing an HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) Application Programming Interface (API) could change all that.

The HL7 Da Vinci Project has launched a Postable Remittance Advice Use Case with the goal of publishing an implementation guide (IG) for such an API next year. The API will support the request for a duplicate copy of previously issued remittance advice – paper or electronic – in real time to allow efficient, timely and accurate posting of payments.

Remittance advice is a document that healthcare providers receive from insurance companies after submitting a claim. It provides information on the payment status of the claim, including the amount paid, the patient's responsibility and the reason for any denials or adjustments. The purpose of the remittance advice is to inform the healthcare provider of the remittance details and to allow them to reconcile their accounts and ensure that the payment is accurate.

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New Postable Remittance Advice Use Case Featured in HL7 Da Vinci Project Community Roundtable

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 27, 2024 4:45:14 PM / by Leslie Amorós posted in FHIR, health IT policy, Da Vinci, payer data exchange, FHIR Accelerator, FHIR Implementation Guides, burden reduction, Postable Remittance

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February Roundtable also features Payer Data Exchange and Burden Reduction Overviews

This week’s HL7 Da Vinci Project Community Roundtable, “HL7 Da Vinci Implementation Guides Solve Your Real-World Business Problems: Postable Remittance, Payer Data Exchange and Burden Reduction Overviews,” is scheduled for Feruary 28 from 4 – 5:30 p.m. ET. 

Da Vinci leaders will introduce the newest use case focusing on postable remittance advice and will share an overview of the Implementation Guides that are suggested in the proposed rules and how they meet the rules’ objectives.

With the issuance of the new federal interoperability rules, the innovative interoperability work advanced by the HL7 Da Vinci Project is once again being recognized as a path forward for game-changing industry transformation that will reduce burden, increase automation and improve care. You will learn how to access the resources, participate in community feedback and start getting involved.

The presenters will include:
  • Robert Dieterle, HL7 Da Vinci Project Sr. Advisor and Burden Reduction Lead
  • Naomi Miao, Business Operations Manager, athenahealth
  • Mark Scrimshire, PDex Project Lead & Implementation Guide Lead, HL7 Da Vinci Project, and Chief Interoperability Officer, Onyx Health

The session is moderated by Alix Goss, HL7 Da Vinci Project PMO, and Senior Consultant, Point-of-Care Partners.

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