Monthly Event is Scheduled for 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday, May 26, 2021
The Da Vinci Project is offering real-life examples of how healthcare organizations are using its Use Cases to make a difference in information exchange and interoperability.
The community roundtable will feature a session entitled, “Reducing Burden: Da Vinci Quality Measures tied to CMS RFI and HIPAA Exception Request for Prior Authorization.” The Da Vinci PMO will provide an update including the latest federal proposed rule Request for Information related to digital quality measurement collection using HL7's Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®). Learn about Da Vinci’s DEQM and Gaps in Care Implementation Guides to assist you during your review and with crafting your RFI response. Da Vinci leadership will discuss current prior authorization burden and how the available implementation guides can streamline the processes. In addition, the PMO will discuss opportunities provided by the newly granted exception to the HIPAA requirement for Da Vinci payers and their trading partners when using the FHIR standard for prior authorization.
- Kirk Anderson, Da Vinci Project Steering Committee Member, Vice President & CTO, Cambia Health Solutions
- Robert Dieterle, Senior Advisor, Da Vinci PMO
- Jocelyn Keegan, Program Manager, Da Vinci PMO
- Linda Michaelsen, Director of Healthcare Interoperability Standards, Optum
- Steven Waldren, MD, Da Vinci Co-Chair, Clinical Advisory Committee, Vice President and CMIO, American Academy of Family Physicians