What is the role of HL7 standards in the eHealth Digital Services Infrastructure (eHDSI)?
eHDSI calls for EU-wide specifications and national extensions or localizations. Interoperability assets and shared terminology resources supporting HL7 standards adoption are needed to streamline large scale eHealth deployment at a reasonable time and cost.
The eStandards project, led by the HL7 Foundation, aims to create a roadmap for collaborative eStandards development fit for the purpose of large scale eHealth deployment. CEN/TC251 and IHE Europe participate in the eStandards project along with key eHealth stakeholders in Europe.
In view of these developments, it is worth reflection on:
- How should HL7 standards be promoted at the national and European level?
- What kind of tools and resources can HL7 offer to support its European members?
- What synergies does HL7 need to engage in Europe?