The Standard

The Official Blog of Health Level Seven® International

Announcing the New International Patient Access (IPA) Website!

Mar 11, 2025 4:19:15 PM / by Brett Marquard posted in FHIR, Argonaut Project, FHIR Accelerator, FHIR Community, International Patient Access, IPA



HL7, in collaboration with the Argonaut Project, is excited to announce the launch of a new website dedicated to the International Patient Access (IPA) This site is designed to provide a central resource for healthcare organizations, policymakers and patients to understand, implement and support patient-controlled access to health data using the HL7® FHIR® standard.

A Milestone for Global Interoperability

IPA is a global standard aimed at empowering patients with access to their health records across different systems and countries. By defining a minimal yet meaningful set of FHIR-based profiles, IPA ensures that applications can seamlessly retrieve patient data regardless of geographic or system-specific differences.

The new website serves as a hub for information about IPA adoption, implementation guidance and ongoing development efforts. It provides insights into how healthcare systems worldwide can enable secure, authorized access to patient records through standardized APIs, reducing barriers to interoperability.

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US Realm Steering Committee February 2022 Update

Feb 11, 2022 2:28:19 PM / by HL7 posted in FHIR, HL7, HL7 community, Argonaut Project, health IT, C-CDA, Da Vinci, CARIN Alliance, documentation templates and payer rules, FHIR Accelerator, FAST, Gravity, Vulcan, FHIR Community, US Realm


On behalf of the HL7 US Realm Steering Committee (USRSC), we are pleased to share an update on last year's priorities and highlight our focus for 2022.

2021 Highlights

Visibility was a key theme of our work in 2021 and included supporting pilot work on a standards dashboard, tracking accelerator activity and promoting key ballots.

Before we dive into 2022, we want to highlight a few key points for all US Realm (USR) members.

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Partnering for Interoperability

Nov 15, 2016 11:50:32 AM / by Wayne Kubick posted in FHIR, HL7, BioPharma, Argonaut Project, interoperability, health IT, Payers, Clinicians


The Spectrum of Interoperability

In a world of polychromatic nuance, it’s interesting to see how often some individuals try to see things in black and white.  This tendency also seems to apply to healthcare data interoperability, as if any given product, organization or service can be classified as either “interoperable” or not. To me it’s absolutely clear that interoperability is a spectrum, which can only be aspired to as a matter of degree. 

Any given player may be viewed as more or less interoperable, but not wholly interoperable, because we live in such a heterogeneous world, with science and medicine continuously evolving. But no matter how you might personally think of interoperability, we can probably all agree that we still have a long, long way to go before we get there.

This is why we need events like Partners in Interoperability.  To achieve real progress, we must engage major stakeholders to stop and listen for awhile, and roll up their sleeves to make small incremental steps to move along that spectrum from the cold blue reality of the recent past to a warm, FHIR-y future based on improved interoperability. 

Partners in Interoperability October Meeting

The second Partners in Interoperability meeting was held at the Johns Hopkins Mt. Washington Conference Center in Baltimore on Oct. 18-19, an arcadian space conducive to deep thought.  As before, the meeting included a set of opening talks each day followed by breakouts focusing on the particular challenges of using FHIR among three distinct business communities:  Clinicians, Payers and Biopharma. 

Day 1

The meeting opened with a welcome from Dr. Christopher Chute, a long-time thought leader in the world of health data standards.  Dr. Chute evoked the history of the Great Baltimore Fire of 1904, which even predates the last Chicago Cubs championship, and led to the establishment of national standards for fire hose fittings.  The metaphor of a great fire being a pivotal event that burned down the old to create a new and improved place did not go unnoticed by the 60+ attendees at the event.

Next was a fast-paced set of five short insights on what FHIR means to the three represented communities, the health IT industry, and, above all, to the future of interoperability which we all aspire toward. 

The morning concluded with three lively presentations on FHIR’s promise and reality:

  • Micky Tripathi gave an update on the Argonaut Project, which is close to completing its implementation guides for using the FHIR API and is already thinking about what to tackle next
  • Ricky Bloomfield, MD gave an exciting visual talk on how FHIR is enabling several mobile apps to enhance patient care and interaction at Duke University’s Health System
  • Sean Khozin, MD, presented on how the FDA is reinventing itself to capitalize on real world evidence from EHRs as well as multiomics big data sources – portraying several opportunity areas where FHIR can help advance the FDA’s mission.

Day 2

The second morning included recaps  from each of the breakouts, followed by one more set of plenary presentations:

  • Avinash Shanbhag of ONC discussed the importance of FHIR to realize the goals of the next phase of Meaningful Use
  • Titus Schleyer, PhD, of the Regenstrief Institute painted the vision that health information should flow like water, and demoed a FHIR app that allows patients to collect all their medication data from disparate health IT systems into one unified list
  • The legendary Dr. Clem McDonald discussed and demonstrated an intriguing JSON-based forms generation toolset used by the National Library of Medicine that can be used, for example, with the Surgeon General’s Family Health History form.
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