Da Vinci’s Feb. 26 Community Roundtable and Feb. 27 Joint Education Session with FAST to provide implementation resources.
Two free online events coming up soon will provide practical insights on how to improve interoperability by leveraging Health Level Seven’s Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) standard for APIs.
A Community Roundtable, to be held at 4 p.m. ET on Feb. 26, will focus on “Da Vinci’s Trebuchet: Launching Your Interoperability Implementations.”
The HL7 Da Vinci Project is a private-sector initiative that’s leveraging FHIR to improve data sharing in value-based care (VBC) arrangements. The goal of Da Vinci’s Trebuchet effort is to accelerate FHIR adoption and scaling of FHIR APIs through pilot projects.
Attendees at this month’s Community Roundtable will receive information to equip them with the knowledge and resources needed to successfully launch an implementation journey.
Pilot leaders and a panel of payer and provider implementers will share their expertise. After a level-setting session that reviews the purpose and current state of Trebuchet pilots, presenters will describe what’s involved with piloting and how to determine your organization’s readiness.
Attendees will learn about key elements of finding or creating a pilot, including identifying other parties of the willing, the role of vendors in your pilot design, Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) and Health Information Network (HIN) implications and how your current trading partners fit into your vision. The session will conclude with a panel of payers and providers who will share their piloting journey.
Register Today for the February Community Roundtable!
To register and attend this free webinar, visit:
Second Event
The second event, to be held at 2 p.m. ET on Feb. 27, will be a joint session of FAST and Da Vinci focusing on alignment of Trebuchet and network exchange goals.
FAST stands for the FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) Accelerator, which is working to identify ecosystem-wide barriers to deploying FHIR at scale, define solutions to address those barriers and develop infrastructural standards to support FHIR implementations. The desired outcome is a national API interoperability approach that enables consistent clinical data exchange using FHIR.
The FAST Security Implementation Guide (IG) supports a multi-party trust framework within payer-payer and payer-provider networks. It supports implementing dynamic client registration in scalable exchange.
David Pyke, FAST technical director, will discuss the FAST IG with a focus on the implementer’s perspective, including:
- What to consider before and during implementation of the IG
- What is of primary importance as you begin and progress through implementation
- For payers, providers and vendors: What are the implications and experiences of the client, vendors and EHRs.
To attend, access the Zoom link on this page under the Conference Call Schedule and Dial-ins section: https://confluence.hl7.org/display/DVP/Da+Vinci+Trebuchet+FHIR+Pilots
Don’t miss these two opportunities to learn how to implement FHIR as a critical component of ramping up the exchange of clinical data to improve the quality of care.