The Standard

The Official Blog of Health Level Seven® International


Join Vulcan’s Webinar on July 11 to Learn About Efforts to Develop a Digital Clinical Protocol

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 9, 2024 10:48:27 AM / by Vulcan Project Management Office posted in FHIR, interoperability, FHIR Accelerator, Vulcan, ICH M11, Utilizing the Digital Protocol, UDP

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HL7® Applauds ONC's Move to Embrace HL7® FHIR® for Nationwide Health Information Exchange

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 26, 2024 8:53:27 AM / by HL7 posted in FHIR, health IT policy, interoperability, ONC, TEFCA, Common Agreement 2.0

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HL7 applauds the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) for its April 22, 2024 Common Agreement Version 2.0 release, which announced the requirement for health information networks participating in the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) to support the HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) standard.

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Next Gravity Project Implementation Affinity Group Will Feature More Real-World Implementations

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 19, 2024 9:24:32 AM / by Leslie Amorós posted in interoperability, health IT, Gravity, Social Determinants of Health, SDOH, Observation Screening Response Profile

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April 25 Session Focuses on the Observation Screening Response Profile

Join us on April 25, 2024, at 2:30 – 4 p.m. ET for the next Gravity Project Implementation Affinity Group meeting, which features more real-world implementations and a key to their success: the Observation Screening Response profile.

Bringing Observation Screening Response into Focus for Gravity Implementers

Building upon the implementation approach and presentation by New York State Qualified Entities in February, this month’s Gravity Implementation Affinity Group session focuses on more real-world implementations and a key to their success: the Observation Screening Response profile.

The benefits of using this profile include explicit categorization of question/answer pairs by social determinants of health (SDOH) domains, flagging of positive findings, and using a common language (Gravity standardized terminology) to share and communicate these findings.

This session will highlight Observation Screening Response, including guidance on using key elements (e.g., Observation.category and Observation.interpretation) and using Observation Screening Response to create Observation Groupings.

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CodeX-Uncovering the Potential of REMS Automation: A Journey Towards Interoperability

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 17, 2024 5:03:55 PM / by Kelee Petzelt posted in FHIR, interoperability, FHIR Accelerator, CodeX, Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies, NCPDP

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This quarter has brought with it a lot of excitement for us to dive into the great realm of REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies) automation and its profound impact on our healthcare landscape. Buckle up, because we're about to review a thrilling journey we've been moving down towards greater efficiency, collaboration, and, most importantly, patient care!

Picture this: a world where cumbersome REMS processes are a thing of the past, replaced by seamless automation that not only streamlines workflows but also enhances patient outcomes. I know it sounds farfetched; however, I feel this dream is swiftly becoming a reality!

At the heart of this revolution lies a collective effort to transition from mere discussions to concrete actions. Through initiatives like HL7 CodeX and NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs), we're witnessing a relentless commitment to leveraging standardized practices for interoperability and data exchange. I recently had the privilege of participating in the HL7 Connectathon, where the REMS Integration use case showcased the power of community collaboration. And guess what? We're gearing up to ballot the patient enrollment IG in May – talk about momentum!

But our quest doesn't stop there. We're just getting started! Events like the REMS Innovation Consortium (RIC) have served as epicenters of brainstorming, where industry pioneers gather to explore new horizons in patient care. Together, we're shattering the confines of traditional REMS programs and paving the way for groundbreaking innovations.

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The Sequoia Project and HL7 Enter Strategic Collaboration to Advance FHIR Implementations Nationwide

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 29, 2024 5:12:10 PM / by HL7 posted in FHIR, interoperability, collaboration, FHIR Accelerator, FAST, Sequoia Project

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Communities Advancing FHIR and Healthcare Interoperability Formalize Joint Efforts for the Public Good

HL7 and The Sequoia Project, a non-profit and trusted advocate for nationwide health information technology (health IT) interoperability, are pleased to announce a strategic collaboration to advance global health data interoperability by accelerating the adoption of the HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) standards in the U.S.

“We are thrilled to announce this alliance with HL7,” said Mariann Yeager, CEO of The Sequoia Project. “We look forward to working with HL7, alongside private and public sector subject matter experts, to advance nationwide FHIR implementation to improve interoperability nationwide.”

 HL7 and The Sequoia Project will work together to accelerate the HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) standard through coordinating with the work of FHIR at Scale Taskforce HL7 FHIR® Accelerator (FAST).

Through this strategic relationship, HL7 and The Sequoia Project aim to continue working together in areas of mutual interest, including standards deployment and adoption, alignment between HL7 FHIR Accelerator projects and Sequoia initiatives, and creating a feedback loop to HL7 based on lessons learned from real-world production-level exchange initiatives, education, and testing. 

“At HL7, we are delighted to continue the journey toward meaningful interoperability with The Sequoia Project,” said Charles Jaffe, M.D., Ph.D., HL7 CEO. “Close collaboration is certain speed to market health IT interoperability improvements to reduce the strain on health systems, diminish clinician burden, and improve the lives of our patients.” 

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Vulcan & CodeX HL7® FHIR® Accelerators Collaborate with The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) on the Advancing Clinical Trials Readiness Initiative

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 2, 2023 2:01:22 PM / by HL7 posted in FHIR, health IT policy, interoperability, FHIR Accelerator, Vulcan, CodeX, clinical trials

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Unpacking FHIR's Vital Role in Healthcare Interoperability & TEFCA: Insights from FAST on HIMSSTV

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 25, 2023 5:40:47 PM / by FAST Project Management Team posted in FHIR, interoperability, FHIR Accelerator, FAST, TEFCA

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In a recent episode of HIMSSTV, two healthcare interoperability visionaries, Deepak Sadagopan and Duncan Weatherston, took the virtual stage to share their expert insights on the critical FHIR pathway within the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) model. This captivating discussion was led by the co-chairs of the HL7 FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST), and it shed light on the transformative potential of FHIR in shaping the future of healthcare data exchange. 

Meet the FAST Community 

Before we dive into the interview, let's take a moment to acquaint ourselves with the remarkable work being done by the FAST community. The HL7 FHIR at Scale Taskforce is a dedicated group committed to identifying scalability challenges and defining solutions to overcome the barriers to broad FHIR adoption. FAST is addressing key areas like Security for Scalable Registration, Authorization, and Authentication and Interoperable Digital Identity and Patient Matching. The FAST community’s list of projects can be found on the FAST Confluence Project Page. An upcoming project on Consent is set to kick off soon, promising exciting prospects for healthcare data sharing. To get involved, reach out to 

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HL7 Da Vinci Project Implementation Guide Progress Is Focus of Next Community Roundtable

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 23, 2023 5:28:35 PM / by Leslie Amorós posted in FHIR, interoperability, Da Vinci, value based care, FHIR Accelerator

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October Community Roundtable to be held October 25 from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. ET

Are you interested in learning the latest on the following:

  •  Clinical data exchange; coverage, transparency and burden
  • Quality and risk use cases
  • The HL7 Da Vinci Project’s Implementation Guide foundational assets?

If so, register now for the next Da Vinci Community Roundtable, to be held Oct. 25 from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. ET. The session will offer timely updates on changes made in 2023 to the Da Vinci Implementation Guides and offer an outlook for next year.

“The Power of Collaboration: 2023 HL7 Da Vinci Project Implementation Guide Progress,” will feature presenters discussing Implementation Guide functional enhancements as well as the current status and maturity of the guides to help inform your planning for next year’s HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (HL7® FHIR®) implementation staffing and allocations. Attendees will also learn where they can provide needed input and participation in the use cases.

The Da Vinci Project is a private-sector initiative that accelerates the adoption of HL7 FHIR as the standard to support and integrate value-based care (VBC) data exchange across communities. The goal of the project is to help payers and providers positively impact clinical, quality, cost and care management outcomes, enabling providers to see the right data at the right time for patient-centered care.

The presenters will include:

  • Michael Gould, Associate Vice President, Interoperability Strategy, ZeOmega and HL7 Da Vinci Project Architectural Group Co-Lead
  • Crystal Kallem, Project Manager, HL7 Da Vinci Project, and Senior Consultant, Point-of-Care-Partners
  • Mark Scrimshire, PDex Project Lead & Implementation Guide Lead, HL7 Da Vinci Project, and Chief Interoperability Officer, Onyx Health
  • Teresa Younkin, Value Based Performance Reporting Co-Lead, HL7 Da Vinci Project PMO and Senior Consultant, Point-of-Care Partners

The session is moderated by Alix Goss, HL7 Da Vinci Project PMO, and Senior Consultant, Point-of-Care Partners.

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September CodeX Community of Practice Showcases Oncology Data Collection and Documentation Transformation

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 26, 2023 8:16:49 AM / by Leslie Amorós posted in FHIR, interoperability, FHIR Accelerator, CodeX, mCODE, oncology

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Webinar Highlights Real-World mCODE®-Compatible Structured Data Capture at University of Wisconsin Madison

At the September CodeX Community of Practice, which will be held on Friday, Sept. 29, 2023, 12 – 1 p.m. ET, Dr. Hamid Emamekhoo will present their approach to enhance structure data collection at University of Wisconsin Madison.

In his presentation, “Charting a New Course: Transforming Oncology Documentation to Enhance mCODE-Compatible Structured Data Capture,” he will discuss the process of creating optimized oncology specific note templates to prioritize the collection of encounter-specific treatment and disease-related data in a standardized manner. They focus on integrating data collection into the routine clinical workflow and improve the accuracy and quality of clinical documentation while collecting mCODE (minimal Common Oncology Data Elements)-compatible structure data that can ultimately improve the quality of care and patient outcomes.

The mCODE FHIR Implementation Guide is an open standard language for cancer data. Once adopted across the oncology community, mCODE promises to greatly increase the amount of high-quality shareable data for all cancer types, allowing data to be collected once and used for multiple purposes by clinicians and researchers to support patient care.

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Patient Cost Transparency is Focus of HL7 Da Vinci Project’s September Community Roundtable

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 20, 2023 8:02:17 AM / by Leslie Amorós posted in FHIR, interoperability, Da Vinci, FHIR Accelerator, patient cost transparency, No Surprises Act

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Multistakeholder Discussion Features Panelists from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Epic, Florida Blue and Providence

Is your organization planning to use FHIR APIs to support data exchange for patient cost transparency (PCT)?

Join us on Wednesday, Sept. 27, from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. for the September Community Roundtable presentation titled, “No Surprises Now: How the HL7 Da Vinci Project Accelerates Patient Cost Transparency.” Featuring a provider, payer, vendor and regulator, the multistakeholder discussion begins with an initial level setting session outlining the regulatory landscape, including the No Surprises Act, regulations and resources.

Next is a review of the HL7 Da Vinci Project’s PCT use case, which aims to develop a standard data exchange in support of patient cost transparency for devices, services and collection of services using FHIR APIs for exchange of data. The session will close with insights on the benefits of testing and implementation of PCT from the following presenters:

  • Vanessa Candelora, HL7 Da Vinci Project Patient Cost Transparency Co-Lead and Senior Consultant, Point-of-Care-Partners
  • Tina Mintyala, Program Manager, Revenue Cycle, Providence
  • Alice O’Carroll, HL7 Da Vinci Project Patient Cost Transparency Co-Lead and Interoperability Product Manager, Florida Blue
  • Carmen Smiley, Health Insurance Specialist, Division of Consumer Protection Policy, Consumer Support Group, Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
  • Zackery Welch, Executive Director, Pre-Services: Providence Health and Services
  • Jacob Woodford, HL7 Da Vinci Project Patient Cost Transparency Co-Lead and Technical Services, Epic

The session is moderated by Alix Goss, HL7 Da Vinci Project PMO, and Senior Consultant, Point-of-Care Partners.

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