Join the Vulcan FHIR® Accelerator on March 26 as we kick off a monthly forum inviting open dialogue on the development of a HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) implementation guide (IG) for the exchange of a digital clinical trial protocol. Input across the broader HL7 community will help ensure a more robust and widely applicable IG.
The Utilizing the Digital Protocol (UDP) project focuses on developing a FHIR IG for exchange of protocols aligned to ICH M11 (Clinical electronic Structured Harmonized Protocols). UDP is an umbrella project to accelerate exchange of ICH M11 compliant protocols through collaboration and integration of work products across Vulcan, CDISC and TransCelerate.
Vulcan’s UDP team will:
- Provide regular project updates, offering a touchpoint for stakeholders who want to stay informed.
- Create a platform for discussion, allowing community members to raise questions, share insights, and engage more directly.
All consumers of the clinical trial protocol are welcome. Both technical and non-technical participants are encouraged to join to ensure the IG aligns with real-world implementation needs.
- Clinical Trial Sponsor representatives and Clinical Research Organizations (CROs) interested in leveraging digital protocols
- System Vendors specializing in creation and/or utilization of protocol-level information (e.g., structured authoring tools, study designers, study execution tools)
- Stakeholders involved in business processes leveraging the exchange of protocols - such as clinical operations, trial feasibility, recruitment, regulatory submissions, and others.
Monthly on the fourth Wednesday @ 10 am EST. Visit Vulcan Meetings & Events for Zoom details.
Please visit Confluence to learn more about the UDP project. Also, visit our Connectathon Track page to see what we have planned for May 2025 and consider joining us in Madrid!