The Standard

The Official Blog of Health Level Seven® International


FAST Security Now Part of TEFCA and HTI-2 Requirements

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 17, 2024 1:33:09 PM / by FAST Project Management Team posted in FHIR, health IT policy, FHIR Accelerator, FAST, FHIR Implementation Guides, FHIR Community, TEFCA, FAST Security, HTI-2

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If you can’t think of a reason to pay attention to FAST's work, we have a couple for you! Recent requirements related to TEFCA (Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement) and the latest HTI-2 proposed rule have named the FAST Security Implementation Guide (IG). This recognition underscores the importance and foundational nature of FAST's contributions to healthcare interoperability. 

On July 1st, the Recognized Coordinating Entity (RCE) released the Facilitated FHIR Implementation Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), outlining the requirements for using FHIR within the TEFCA framework. Notably, these requirements include adopting the FAST HL7 UDAP Security for Scalable Registration, Authentication, and Authorization FHIR Implementation Guide (SSRAA) by January 1, 2026. This timeline allows organizations to implement FAST Security while still using SMART or other security options in the interim. 

Specifically, the SOP states: 

Prior to January 1, 2026: 

  • All FHIR Adopters MAY follow the requirements of HL7 SSRAA FHIR IG 1.0.0 STU 1 US Section 3 Registration. 
  • Manual registration requests for client_id MUST be resolved within 5 business days where sufficient information has been provided. Information requirements MUST NOT exceed those in Section 3 of HL7 SSRAA FHIR IG and this SOP. 
  • All FHIR adopters MUST use one of the following: 
    • HL7 SSRAA FHIR IG 1.0.0 – STU 1 US Sections 4 and 5; 
    • SMART Release 1.0.0; or 
    • Another authentication and authorization framework that adheres to the QTF requirements is based on out-of-band agreements between exchange partners. 
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Join Vulcan’s Webinar on July 11 to Learn About Efforts to Develop a Digital Clinical Protocol

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 9, 2024 10:48:27 AM / by Vulcan Project Management Office posted in FHIR, interoperability, FHIR Accelerator, Vulcan, ICH M11, Utilizing the Digital Protocol, UDP

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Scaling Patient Identity Solutions: The Role of FAST Interoperable Digital Identity and Patient Matching Implementation Guide

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 18, 2024 11:24:49 AM / by FAST Project Management Team posted in FHIR, FHIR Accelerator, FAST, FHIR Implementation Guides, FHIR Community, HRex, FAST Security, FAST Identity

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In the realm of healthcare, accurately managing patient identities across various systems is pivotal. The FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) has developed the Interoperable Digital Identity and Patient Matching implementation guide (FAST Identity IG) to address these challenges effectively. This blog delves into the nuances of this implementation guide and encourages participation in its continuous improvement. 



Exploring the FAST Identity Implementation Guide 

The FAST Identity IG aims to enhance the FHIR patient $match operation for use in cross-organizational workflows. It serves as a comprehensive set of best practices not only for transactions directly invoking $match but also for other healthcare transactions that require robust identity matching and management.

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Providers Share Real-World Successes of Using HL7 FHIR APIs

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 17, 2024 11:25:07 AM / by Leslie Amorós posted in FHIR, Payers, Da Vinci, FHIR Accelerator, FHIR Implementation Guides

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June 26discussion highlights efficiencies, burden reduction and features Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, Providence and UC Davis Health  

This month’s roundtable focuses on the provider experience, as representatives from an academic health system and a seven-state comprehensive healthcare organization provide firsthand accounts regarding how clinicians and their teams are helping to lead the way with HL7 Da Vinci Project and HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) real-world production implementations of Da Vinci implementation guidesto enable interoperability and advance value-based care.  

Moderated by a representative of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, the discussion unveils how payers’ and providers’ interactions evolve as they collaborate to tackle problems and address current pain points with the healthcare system. The panelists will share considerations, challenges and benefits of working together to establish infrastructure to streamline and automate prior authorization workflows, remove latency, and enable real-time data sharing, ultimately creating win-wins for patients, clinicians, administrators, payers and technologists. 

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Recap of the May FAST Focus Webinar: Advancing Secure Health Data Exchange

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 12, 2024 3:15:31 PM / by FAST Project Management Team posted in FHIR, FHIR Accelerator, FAST, FHIR Implementation Guides, FHIR Community, TEFCA, FAST Security

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In May 2024, the FAST Focus webinar, "Secure Health Data Exchange," brought together experts from across the healthcare industry to delve into the intricacies of the HL7 Unified Data Access Profiles (UDAP) Security for Scalable Registration, Authentication, and Authorization Implementation Guide, commonly referred to as the FAST Security IG. This session featured insights on key components and practical implementations of the FAST Security IG. 

Introduction to the FAST Security IG 

The session began with an explanation of the role of FAST in addressing healthcare interoperability challenges. The FAST Security IG aims to create a scalable, secure framework for health data exchange across national networks like TEFCA, Carequality, and CommonWell


The Journey to Trustworthy Information Exchange 

A historical perspective on the FAST Security IG highlighted its roots back to 2017. The goal was to leverage existing standards like public key infrastructure (PKI), OpenID Connect, and OAuth 2.0 to ensure a scalable, secure data exchange solution. The FAST Security IG integrates these standards into a cohesive framework, emphasizing the importance of trust in health data transactions. 


Key Components of the FAST Security IG 

The core elements of the FAST Security IG include: 

  • JWT-Based Authentication and Authorization: Utilizing JSON Web Tokens for secure assertions of claims from trusted third parties.
  • Dynamic Client Registration: Automating client registration using digital certificates to eliminate the need for shared secrets.
  • Tiered OAuth: Facilitating patient-facing workflows by directing patients to trusted identity providers for authentication.

This approach ensures that both clients and servers can be securely identified and authenticated, streamlining the registration process, and enhancing trust across the network. 


Real-World Implementations and Insights 

The panel discussion featured firsthand experiences from implementers of the FAST Security IG. The discussion emphasized the collaborative effort in refining the FAST Security IG and the importance of ongoing participation in workgroups to further enhance the specification. 

Open-source solutions to facilitate implementation were highlighted, including a .NET reference implementation and a diagnostic tool called UDAP Ed. These resources help developers visualize and test their implementations, accelerating the adoption of the FAST Security IG. 

The importance of identity assurance was underscored, advocating for a centralized, trusted entity to manage high-security registrations. The FAST Security IG's reliance on well-established standards makes it a robust and scalable solution for the healthcare industry. 

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Automating the Retrieval of Duplicate Remittance Advice Using HL7 FHIR API May Lead to Significant Time Savings

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 5, 2024 1:29:59 PM / by Howard Anderson posted in FHIR, Payers, API, Da Vinci, FHIR Accelerator, FHIR Implementation Guides, Postable Remittance, X12

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Industry invited to join and participate in the HL7 Da Vinci Project’s newest use case conference calls

Retrieving a duplicate of remittance advice that was previously issued by a payer is a headache-inducing manual process that can involve the use of web portals, phone calls, faxes and emails.

But implementing an HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) Application Programming Interface (API) could change all that.

The HL7 Da Vinci Project has launched a Postable Remittance Advice Use Case with the goal of publishing an implementation guide (IG) for such an API next year. The API will support the request for a duplicate copy of previously issued remittance advice – paper or electronic – in real time to allow efficient, timely and accurate posting of payments.

Remittance advice is a document that healthcare providers receive from insurance companies after submitting a claim. It provides information on the payment status of the claim, including the amount paid, the patient's responsibility and the reason for any denials or adjustments. The purpose of the remittance advice is to inform the healthcare provider of the remittance details and to allow them to reconcile their accounts and ensure that the payment is accurate.

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Where Do We Begin? Hear First-Hand Accounts of Payer-to-Payer Data Exchange and End-to-End Prior Authorization Implementations at Upcoming Community Roundtable

[fa icon="calendar'] May 20, 2024 2:09:35 PM / by Leslie Amorós posted in FHIR, Payers, Da Vinci, prior authorization, FHIR Accelerator, PDex, FHIR Implementation Guides, burden reduction

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May 29 Sessionfeatures athenahealth, Availity and Humana and honors HL7 Da Vinci Project Community Champions from 4:00 - 5:30 pm ET

Join us this month to hear real-world HL7 FHIR and Da Vinci implementation stories that will provide you with inspiration and insight into how you can apply the learnings of athenahealth, Availity and Humana to your organization’s efforts to reduce friction, increase efficiency and meet the federal interoperability rules. 

After recognizing the 2023 HL7 Da Vinci Project Community Champions, representatives of Availity and Humana will provide a current snapshot of Da Vinci’s effort to create a nationwide interoperable approach among payers using the Payer Data Exchange (PDex) Implementation Guide, which enables payers to create a member’s health history using clinical resources which can be understood by providers and electronic medical records (EMR) systems. This discussion provides an opportunity to better understand dynamics you’ll encounter in achieving payer-to-payer exchange compliance such as consent and endpoint discovery.  Attendees will gain a foundational understanding of the new regulatory requirements, learn about technical and business challenges and benefits from real-world implementers and gain insight into how industry is working together. 

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Next HL7 Da Vinci Community Roundtable Will Help Jumpstart Your HL7 FHIR Implementation

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 18, 2024 9:26:37 AM / by Leslie Amorós posted in FHIR, Payers, Da Vinci, FHIR Accelerator, FHIR Connectathon, FHIR Implementation Guides

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April 24 Session Focuses on Importance of Testing and Connectathons for Implementation Success

In this timely overview, which allows you to prepare to participate in upcoming May, July and September Connectathons, the HL7 Da Vinci Projectwill highlight a key component of implementation: testing.

Experts and hands-on participants will outline why testing is important, the terms used in testing and how testing events, such as Connectathons, are organized and critical to implementation success. Who should be involved, the value of testing partnerships, what activities are planned, and how you can participate will also be discussed. The session concludes with an invaluable primer on testing tools and resources available for your use.

“Jumpstart Your HL7 FHIR Implementation: Testing and Connectathons Demystified,” is slated for April 24, 4 - 5:30 p.m. ET and features the following presenters:

  • Jeff Brown, Healthcare Standards Advisor, Lantana Consulting Group
  • Mike Gould, Associate Vice President, Interoperability Strategy, ZeOmega
  • Kyle Johnsen, Software Developer, Epic

The session is moderated by Alix Goss, HL7 Da Vinci Project PMO, and Senior Consultant, Point-of-Care Partners.

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CodeX-Uncovering the Potential of REMS Automation: A Journey Towards Interoperability

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 17, 2024 5:03:55 PM / by Kelee Petzelt posted in FHIR, interoperability, FHIR Accelerator, CodeX, Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies, NCPDP

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This quarter has brought with it a lot of excitement for us to dive into the great realm of REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies) automation and its profound impact on our healthcare landscape. Buckle up, because we're about to review a thrilling journey we've been moving down towards greater efficiency, collaboration, and, most importantly, patient care!

Picture this: a world where cumbersome REMS processes are a thing of the past, replaced by seamless automation that not only streamlines workflows but also enhances patient outcomes. I know it sounds farfetched; however, I feel this dream is swiftly becoming a reality!

At the heart of this revolution lies a collective effort to transition from mere discussions to concrete actions. Through initiatives like HL7 CodeX and NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs), we're witnessing a relentless commitment to leveraging standardized practices for interoperability and data exchange. I recently had the privilege of participating in the HL7 Connectathon, where the REMS Integration use case showcased the power of community collaboration. And guess what? We're gearing up to ballot the patient enrollment IG in May – talk about momentum!

But our quest doesn't stop there. We're just getting started! Events like the REMS Innovation Consortium (RIC) have served as epicenters of brainstorming, where industry pioneers gather to explore new horizons in patient care. Together, we're shattering the confines of traditional REMS programs and paving the way for groundbreaking innovations.

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Diving In: A Recap of FAST's Latest Presentations and Engagements at Industry Events

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 5, 2024 2:37:24 PM / by FAST Project Management Team posted in FHIR, HIMSS, FHIR Accelerator, FAST, ViVE, FAST Consent, FAST Security, Consent, security

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Journeying Through Industry Waters: FAST's Impactful Presence at Recent Events

As the dust settles from the whirlwind of activity over the past several weeks in the healthcare industry, marked by prominent events such as ViVE and HIMSS24, it'sevident that innovation and collaboration are at the forefront of progress. Amidst this bustling landscape, the FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) has not only made its presence felt but has also unveiled new initiatives, including the launch of the FAST Focus webinar series and the initiation of public meetings for its scalable Consent project. This blog is a brief highlight of all the most recent excitement and includes helpful links for your reference. 

Introducing FAST Focus: A Quarterly Glimpse into FHIR Infrastructure 

Launching the inaugural FAST Focus webinar marked a significant milestone, offering a quarterly rendezvous for the FHIR and interoperability communities. This platform serves as a vital conduit for keeping stakeholders abreast of FAST's endeavors in bolstering FHIR infrastructure. Past sessions' recordings and decks are readily available on the FAST calendar page in the archive section, providing a wealth of insights for eager participants. 

HIMSS24: Spotlight on FAST's Participation 

FAST had a presence at HIMSS24 and was thrilled to interact with so many attendees, from the FHIR curious to seasoned FHIR implementers curious, to learn more about FAST’s work. FAST provided volunteer FAST representatives to staff the HL7 Accelerator kiosk in the interoperability showcase. The kiosk buzzed with activity and insightful interactions. FAST also left an indelible mark with multiple presentations at the Spotlight Theater and the HL7 booth, amplifying awareness and fostering dialogue around FHIR infrastructure work. 

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