This is a time of great health policy discussion and activity, especially given the challenge of COVID-19 and the finalization of significant federal regulations that will now move into the implementation stage. HL7 and its standards, such as Fast Healthcare Interoperabilty Resources (FHIR®), are a strong fiber in these developments. Discussed here are key aspects of the final interoperability, patient access and information blocking rules recently released related to implementing provisions in the 21st Century Cures Act (Public Law 114-155). The intersection of policy, HL7 standards and COVID-19 will be highlighted in this space soon. Stay tuned!
Ticia Gerber

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Policy on the Move: Final Federal Interoperability and Patient Access Rules Information and Impact
[fa icon="calendar'] May 14, 2020 2:11:15 PM / by Ticia Gerber posted in FHIR, HL7, health IT policy, interoperability, health IT, CIMI, news, 21st Century Cures, public health, ONC