The Standard

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Join Vulcan’s Informational Webinar on August 21

[fa icon="calendar"] Aug 9, 2024 10:52:22 AM / by Vulcan Project Management Office

Vulcan Interop Bridge

The Vulcan FHIR® Accelerator, in coordination with the US Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/ Office of the National Coordinator (ASTP/ONC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), invites you to an informational webinar for the Vulcan Interoperability Bridge (VIB) event.

The VIB event aims to accelerate the adoption of healthcare data standards for research – underscoring the value of using HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) to solve existing challenges and explore novel opportunities in research data interoperability.

The August 21 webinar is designed to share information on how we will convene clinical research sponsors, including pharmaceutical companies and academic medical centers, EHR providers, clinical research sites, and technology solutions providers to work together to demonstrate how clinical care and research interoperability is achievable utilizing existing HL7 FHIR® standards and implementation guides.

The session will feature speakers representing the collaborative parties executing this event, including senior leaders from ASTP/ONC, FDA, MSKCC, Johnson & Johnson and more.

  • Learn how you can be involved in the VIB development process leading up to the Feb 2025 event, working in teams side-by-side with other research and industry leaders on technical solutions for clinical care and research interoperability.

  • Hear from event organizers and collaborators about the importance of attending the VIB – a virtual event planned for February 2025 – where the VIB teams and their solutions will be featured in live demonstrations of clinical care and research data exchange between systems.

Who Should Attend?

  • Technology solution providers who want to better support clinical research with FHIR APIs: electronic health records or data capture systems, intermediary systems, and clinical trial management systems

  • Clinical research sponsors who initiate, manage, or finance clinical studies or trials and want to improve the efficiency of their data collection: pharmaceutical companies or academic medical centers 

  • Clinical research sites who wish to improve their compatibility with clinical research sponsors clinical research hospitals or academic medical centers 

Register Today!

Join us on August 21, 2:00 - 3:00 pm ET, to learn about this exciting opportunity! Register by clicking here.

Contact the team at


Topics: FHIR, interoperability, FHIR Accelerator, Vulcan

Vulcan Project Management Office

Written by Vulcan Project Management Office

The Vulcan FHIR Accelerator is dedicated to connecting clinical and translational research and healthcare. It was solidified in September 2019 by a group of invested representatives from government agencies, academia, technology companies, standards development organizations, patients, and industry consortiums. The Vulcan Accelerator serves the needs of the clinical and translational research communities through the implementation of HL7 FHIR standardized data exchange.

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