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HL7 Da Vinci Project's Year-End Joint Community Roundtable and Member Forum Will Highlight 2021 Achievements and Plans for the New Year

Written by Diana Manos | Dec 6, 2021 6:59:21 PM

The Da Vinci Project’s Year-End Meeting to Be Held December 8, 2021

The HL7 Da Vinci Project will hold a combined virtual Community Roundtable and Member Forum on December 8 titled "Are You  Ready for 2022? Hear Progress and Plans, Available Testing tools and Implementation Perspectives." During this meeting,  Da Vinci’s program management office will share insights on the year’s achievements, as well as the latest on strategic planning. They will top it off with a synopsis of Da Vinci’s priorities for 2022.

The agenda includes:

  • Insights, programmatic status and 2022 strategic plans Jocelyn Keegan, Da Vinci program manager and payer practice lead
  • Da Vinci use cases and resources Vanessa Candelora, Da Vinci project manager and senior consultant
  • Implementation call to action Viet Nguyen, MD, technical director, HL7 Da Vinci Project and clinical informaticist, Stratametrics, LLC

Da Vinci steering committee's leadership panel speakers will include:

  • Kirk Anderson, Chair, Da Vinci steering committee and vice president and chief technology officer at Cambia Health Solutions
  • Michael Myint, Da Vinci steering committee member and physician executive of population health risk adjustment and quality for MultiCare Health System; and
  • Deepak Sadagopan, Da Vinci steering committee member, and senior vice president of value- based care and population health informatics at Providence.
Register Today for the December Meeting!

Registration for the joint community roundtable and member forum is free and can be accessed at: 

About the Community Roundtable

The goal of the Da Vinci Project’s community roundtables is to increase public awareness among payers, providers and vendors of the resources and progress coming out of Da Vinci’s efforts. These 90-minute virtual sessions are open to Da Vinci members as well as the public and highlight how members leverage the Da Vinci use cases and implementation guides in action in workflow.

Typically, two or three organizations showcase their work and answer audience questions, allowing for a vibrant discussion and fostering industry understanding of the Da Vinci work products and resulting market solutions. Sessions are recorded and available online after the event.

Join the Community

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