The Standard | The Official Blog of HL7

HL7 Da Vinci Project October Community Roundtable to Highlight Clinical Data Exchange

Written by Diana Manos | Oct 21, 2021 8:28:36 PM

The Da Vinci Project’s October Community Roundtable, to be held Oct. 27 from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. EDT, will feature Clinical Data Exchange (CDex)

This “Swiss army knife” of implementation guides (IGs) is responsible for identifying, documenting and constraining specific patterns of exchange so that providers and payers can reliably share patient information and coordinate care.

The scope of the CDex encompasses defining combinations of exchange methods with specific payloads, search criteria, conformance, provenance, and other relevant requirements, to support specific exchanges of clinical information between providers and and/or payers. CDex is also responsible for aiding in risk adjustment and quality reporting--and it helps payers to identify whether a requested service is necessary and appropriate.

The roundtable, titled, “Harnessing Clinical Data Exchange (CDex) to Improve Performance within Value-Based Care,” will give a current snapshot of the functionality, benefits and capabilities of CDex, helping providers to share the clinical data they have generated with payers and other industry partners.

At the roundtable, members of the Providence team will share their strategy for using CDex to support payer value-based care arrangements focusing on their initial target to achieve supplemental data exchange.

Presenters will include:

  • Viet Nguyen, MD, Technical Director, HL7 Da Vinci Project, and Clinical Informaticist, Stratametrics, LLC
  • Semira Singh, Product Manager, Population Health Informatics, Providence
  • Michael Westover, Vice President, Population Health Informatics, Providence

Come to the roundtable and learn how HL7 is making progress on CDex, with its eye on what remains to be conquered to provide the fully maximized data exchange needed to support value-based care. The good news is, HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR®) is helping to drive interoperability forward, and Da Vinci is poised to accelerate that data exchange in such a way that it will greatly reduce the burden between providers and payers.

Register Today for the October Community Roundtable!

Registration for the October 2021 Da Vinci Project Community Roundtable is free and can be accessed at: 

About the Community Roundtable

The goal of the Da Vinci Project’s community roundtables is to increase public awareness among payers, providers and vendors of the resources and progress coming out of Da Vinci’s efforts. These 90-minute virtual sessions are open to Da Vinci members as well as the public and highlight how members leverage the Da Vinci use cases and implementation guides in action in workflow.

Typically, two or three organizations showcase their work and answer audience questions, allowing for a vibrant discussion and fostering industry understanding of the Da Vinci work products and resulting market solutions. Sessions are recorded and available online after the event.

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