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Upcoming Da Vinci & HL7 FHIR Event Provides Keys to Payer-Provider Data Exchange Business Transformation

Written by Fred Bazzoli | Apr 13, 2021 4:36:03 PM

Whether Attendees are Novices or Experts on Implementation Guides, Education Will Increase Knowledge and Build Community

Communicating the value of HL7’s Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR®) in healthcare isn’t always easy. Do you tell the story in purely technical terms? Describe the problems it’s intended to solve? Or offer examples of where it’s providing benefits?

The upcoming Da Vinci Education & HL7 FHIR Implementation Event addresses all of those questions for a variety of audiences.

The presenters at the virtual event, scheduled for the week of April 26 to 30, will explain the sense of urgency that underscores the need to accelerate adoption of FHIR-based use cases. They will also provide real-world context to show that these use cases are not just a theoretical construct, but are providing immediate benefits to those organizations that are using it to power the shift to value-based care.

The adoption of FHIR is picking up speed because of this growing recognition of its benefits in reducing clinician burden, improving the exchange of quality measure data and enabling real-time access to data by patients, providers and payers. The adoption of FHIR-based use cases also provides a way for organizations to meet federal rules governing interoperability and patient access to their medical information.

Describing these benefits and real-world implementations, and then diving into the specifics of how to achieve them, is the chief aim of the Da Vinci Education & HL7 FHIR Implementation Event, which offers flexible registration (by day or by week) to fit attendees’ needs and interests. Its goals include:

Recommended Audience

The event is designed to meet the needs of varied audiences, which are likely to have different levels of technical experience. For example, for those technologists who are relatively new to FHIR, it will provide basic education and background in implementation guides, enabling them to advance their expertise and jump-start FHIR development activities.

Business and operations professionals will gain understanding of the business drivers, challenges and opportunities propelling FHIR adoption, how early adopters used FHIR to advance interoperability and the regulatory landscape for payer provider data exchange.

For organizations that are already working with FHIR but have yet to begin using implementation guides, they will gain a better understanding of how to use these IGs, how the IGs relate to the federal rules and the resources available to them.

Finally, those who have begun implementation of the guides will be able to learn from each other, test their work with other organizations and connect with others on the FHIR journey.

Event Agenda

Leading industry and government influencers will set the stage for the week’s discussion on Monday, April 26, offering the national outlook, an overview of FHIR, APIs and business opportunities in value-based care, as well as fundamental FHIR and implementation guide education.

The following three days will include deep dives into several of the implementation guides that are most relevant to solving current industry challenges, such as Prior Authorization, Burden Reduction, Clinical Data Exchange, Quality Measures and more.

Finally, the week ends with presentations on real-world experiences of Da Vinci members; the day will include demonstrations and early adopter panel discussions highlighting best practices and lessons learned.

Attending the Da Vinci Education & HL7 FHIR Implementation Event will level-set participants and help them understand how FHIR is delivering on its promise of standardized approaches for exchanging healthcare data in ways that are crucial to organizations’ efforts to manage care in value-based care arrangements. By leveraging content and connections from the event, attendees will be able to collaborate and advance FHIR adoption, ultimately reducing burden and waste, increasing transparency and improving care.

Register Today!

Join us! Online registration is available until 5 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday, April 22, 2021. For more information and to register, go to

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