The Standard | The Official Blog of HL7

Ready for Better Interoperability and Value-Based Care? Catch HL7 Da Vinci Project HIMSS20 Programming This Week - Virtually

Written by Jocelyn Keegan | Mar 9, 2020 4:13:56 PM


HL7 Da Vinci Project HIMSS20 Is On!

In spite of HIMSS20’s cancellation, members of the HL7® Da Vinci Project are virtually presenting  dozens of presentations and  technical demonstrations this week, Tuesday, March 10 – 12.  Follow the HL7 Da Vinci 2020 Calendar to see schedules, register for sessions and stay up to date.

Providers, EHRs, vendors and payers are making real progress solving current challenges and advancing interoperability.  Members will highlight the progress made to leverage emerging standards to reduce provider burden and friction between payers and providers.  Demonstrations will showcase how Da Vinci can help partners streamline prior authorization, automate data exchange, unleash payer data to providers and more.

Under the leadership of over 45 prominent industry providers, payers and vendors, the growing Da Vinci community is standardizing the building blocks necessary to support organizations like yours to make the shift to value-based care (VBC) a reality. Building on the flexibility and power of HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®), everyone can join the community and be part of the efforts to solve interoperability challenges.    

“We are leveraging the collective expertise and efforts of our community and internationally recognized exchange standards to solve problems,” said Da Vinci Project Program Manager Jocelyn Keegan. “We encourage everyone who has faced challenges in the healthcare ecosystem to join us and be the change,” she added.

If you wanted to learn the latest about Da Vinci, now is the perfect opportunity.

Register and attend sessions to see how Da Vinci members and early adopters are already using HL7 FHIR during panel discussions and a demonstration of a clinical scenario showcasing a patient’s journey through the health care system.      

Industry thought leaders, technologists and clinicians will discuss the project and their journey with HL7 FHIR, the use cases and implementation guides.

Many presenters represent supporting member organizations, a foundational part of the Da Vinci community. View the full list of member organizations.

We look forward to seeing you online! View the calendar and register for sessions now to ensure your spot!

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