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HL7 Da Vinci Project Plans Education Event to Get Organizations Ready for Federal Rules

Written by Fred Bazzoli | Oct 19, 2020 3:24:03 PM

Time is ticking away on healthcare organizations, who face fast approaching federal deadlines to improve the sharing of information to give patients access to their payer data. Additionally, the tools to reduce clinician burden and improve clinical data exchange between payers and providers are rapidly maturing.

The good news is that HL7’s Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) standard is the tool that organizations can use to meet new requirements for data sharing. Use cases and accompanying implementation guides from the HL7 Da Vinci Project offer specific, standardized ways for organizations to use plug-and-play technologies with multiple other organizations.

But for many organizations, now the works begins in earnest. Implementing Da Vinci use cases will require input from IT departments and testing with a variety of partners. Fortunately, an upcoming Da Vinci Project event aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge to get off the ground successfully.

HL7 is offering a Da Vinci-focused Education and FHIR Implementation Event on October 27 to 29, open to both members and non-members. The event goals are to educate the health IT community about HL7 FHIR and FHIR implementation guides develop by the Da Vinci Project and the CARIN Alliance.

The goal of the event is to two-pronged – to further help participants prepare to meet the CMS and ONC Final Rules, and to provide onboarding and education to the entire community for the full set of Da Vinci payer to provider FHIR Implementation Guides and tools, including Quality Improvements, Burden Reduction, Member Access, Clinical Data Exchange and Process Improvement.

The unique design of the virtual event will support individuals and organizations at all levels of expertise with FHIR.

For organizations that are relatively new to FHIR, it will offer basic education on the standard, alongside additional exposure to implementation guides (IGs) that will advance their expertise and enable them to jump-start their FHIR development activities.

For those organizations that are further along and already working with FHIR but have yet to engage in either CMS rules for payers or the payer-provider focused IGs, attendees will come away with a clearer understanding of how each IG supports both sides of each API. And for those that have already begun implementation of these guides, the event will offer opportunities to understand the bigger picture, get updates on guide progress and test their implementation with others.

Because of the broad curriculum and tracks available, the event is appropriate for payers (commercial, Medicare Advantage and State Medicaid), providers, application developers, HIE organizations and HIT vendors.

Event Information and Registration

More information about the event, including an agenda, can be found at .

Online registration is available until the close of the event; early-bird discounts are available up until October 21. Da Vinci Project and HL7 members also qualify for discounts for attending. Information about registration, including costs for attending one day or the entire event, can be found on the information page or at .