The Standard | The Official Blog of HL7

Use Cases Offer Support for Payers in Meeting Final Rule Requirements for Consumers

Written by Fred Bazzoli | Jun 23, 2020 4:39:22 PM

Join the HL7 Da Vinci Project Community Roundtable June 24 from 4 – 5:30 pm EDT.

On June 24, the HL7 Da Vinci Project will host the latest in its series of monthly events to highlight progress in implementing use cases to solve specific issues in information exchange in healthcare.

The session, entitled “Patient APIs and the CMS Final Rule – A Consumer View,” will describe what patients can expect to see as a result of the final rule and whether the rule, FHIR accelerators and implementation guides (IGs) will really lead to interoperability.

Representatives from two Da Vinci member companies – Amit Shah of Guidewell and John Kelly Edifecs – will discuss how they are implementing the FHIR implementation guides to support currently available consumer applications that address the specific goals of CMS and the final rule. What can patients expect to see as a result of the final rule? Do the rule, FHIR accelerators and IGs really lead to interoperability?

The presenters will demonstrate the DaVinci PDEX Formulary and PDEX Directory IGs. The roundtable will also include clear, real-world examples that a payer using a FHIR IG can readily connect to different commercial applications in production for use by consumers- addressing the essence of the Cures Act prohibitions against data blocking. Most, if not all, of the payer members of DaVinci (and HL7 in general) are subject to the Patient API requirements of the final rule, which references both DaVinci and CARIN IGs by name.

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About the Community Roundtable

The goal of the new Community Roundtable series is to increase public awareness among payers, providers and vendors of the resources and progress of the Da Vinci Project’s efforts. These events are:

  • 90-minute virtual sessions
  • Open to Da Vinci members and the public
  • Highlighting how members leverage the Da Vinci use cases and implementation guides in real-world applications

Typically, two or three organizations showcase their work and answer audience questions, allowing for a vibrant discussion and fostering industry understanding of the Da Vinci work products and resulting market solutions. Past community roundtables have provided snapshots of real-world examples of how use cases are being implemented. Sessions are recorded and available online after the event. Please invite your colleagues and partners to join us!

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Register for the community roundtable today!