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Genomics Is the Focus of Upcoming CodeX Community of Practice

Written by Leslie Amorós | Aug 22, 2023 3:58:21 PM

Hear Two Experts Discuss Real-World Genomics Data Exchange & Use Case
 Progress at Friday's Event

August brings a CodeX Community of Practice meeting that highlights advances in the Accelerator’s genomics domain, lessons learned and how the work improves research and patient care. The virtual session, which will be held on Friday, August 25, 2023, 12 – 1 p.m. ET., features two presentations:  

Advancing Genomics Data Exchange Using HL7 FHIR at the Molit Institut 

In the realm of genomic testing, most data presently is sent from the laboratory to health care organizations in the form of a PDF, which isolates this non-computable information within the EHR and limits access to the data for clinical care and research. 

Join us to hear how an early adopter of HL7 FHIR in this realm, Patrick Werner of the Molit Institut, is working to use FHIR to free the data. As a small independent non-profit research organization in Germany, Molit has received FHIR genomic reports for more than two years. Werner will share the opportunities, challenges and lessons learned with Molit’s successful genomics data exchange, including strategies implemented to ease data standards adoption across participating labs.  A review of Molit’s virtual tumor board for molecular oncology will showcase how Molit structures data and identifies possible gaps to assist identification of variants, prognosis on variants and recommendations.   


Patrick Werner, Process Manager, Interoperability, Molit Institut 

The GenomeX Opportunity: Exploring the Art of the Possible 

Having a standardized means to gather genetic intelligence in a machine-readable format will provide countless possibilities.  During this presentation, MITRE’s May Terry will share her insights into how interoperable genomic data sharing can improve the quality and safety of patient care by enhancing research efforts and enabling precision medicine at the point of care.  She will provide a brief update regarding the latest GenomeX progress and highlight several opportunities for genomic data sharing within CodeX use cases, including prior authorization, integrated trial matching and clinical quality measures. A discussion of how your organization can participate in this emerging work completes the presentation. 


May Terry, Principal, Health Informatics, MITRE


Learn More at the CodeX Community of Practice (CoP) on Friday, August 25!

Join the session! Registration for the August 2023 CodeX Community of Practice is free and can be accessed at the August Registration Link.

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