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Free HL7 Europe Webinar on the FHIR Implementation Guide for Laboratory Results This Friday

Written by HL7 | Nov 22, 2023 4:48:33 PM


The HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide for Laboratory Results in the European Context was recently published as a draft standard for trial use. When finalized, this standard will become the basis for transferring laboratory results across borders in Europe under MyHealth@EU and the European Health Data Space. As a European standard, this will trickle down to national and regional health systems and affect how laboratory results will be communicated among medical and clinical laboratories, hospitals and healthcare professionals, health systems and patients. All makers of all health information systems for laboratories, hospitals, health administration, doctors and patients should pay attention.

HL7 Europe is organizing a free webinar on the FHIR Laboratory Implementation Guide this Friday, 24 November 2023, 16.00-17.00 CET.  In this webinar, policymakers, experts and stakeholders will discuss the HL7 Europe FHIR Implementation Guide for Laboratory Reports and discuss what it is, why it matters, and how to become involved. Speakers include: Henrique Martins, Giorgio Cangioli,  Catherine Chronaki, and panel of stakeholders.

Register Today!

Click here to learn more about the speakers and agenda, and to register [registration link is Tell your LinkedIn network that you’re joining by clicking here.

We look forward to seeing you there.