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C-CDA Implementation-A-Thon to Expand Outreach to Engage New Communities

Written by Lisa R. Nelson, MS, MBA | Mar 1, 2021 8:53:46 PM

The CDA Management Group (CMG) aims to use the next C-CDA Implementation-A-Thon (IAT) to expand outreach to engage new communities and increase the impact of this content improvement effort.  “We learned so much last year about how to maximize the value of implementer-led implementation-a-thons,” said CMG Co-Chair Lisa Nelson. “The new approach was a step in the right direction. It helped implementers drive the conversation and focus the community on making changes that would yield valuable improvements,” she explained.  

“This year we’re following the advice provided by Dr. Chuck Jaffe at the January HL7 Working Group Meeting. We’re extending our outreach to connect with new communities,” CMG Co-Chair Linda Michaelsen explained. “Representatives from IHE, Sequoia, CommonWell, Carequality, SHIEC, DirectTrust, VA/DOD, SSA, and NCQA have come together to identify high value use cases for CDA.  This year’s IATs seeks to harness the power of cross-community collaboration to drive greater improvement in the quality of C-CDA documents,” she added.



In 2020, CMG changed the format of the program to put implements in the driver’s seat.  “A lot of action items with impact have been identified using this new approach,” said C-CDA IAT facilitator Jean Duteau. “We’ve generated new examples, made extensions to the core CDA specification, requested new rubric rules for the ONC Scorecard, and posted many enhancement comments as a result of the input generated by implementers at this event,” said Duteau. “I’m certain the new move to connect more CDA communities will multiply the impact.”

Wednesday, March 24, will be the first of three C-CDA IAT’s to be offered by HL7 in 2021. It will be a full-day virtual event and promises to be one of the most relevant implementation-a-thons to date. Topics will be led by experienced implementers seeking to drive progress for CDA-based information exchange. The community will be tackling issues that cause challenges for implementers today. 

Two of the topics focus on key use cases for C-CDA one on using C-CDA documents in the NCQA Data Aggregator Validation and HEDIS measurement certification programs, the other on using C-CDA documents to support closed-loop referrals and improve care coordination.

The quality measure use case topic will feature a panel of experts and implementers discussing the good, the bad and the improvement possibilities for C-CDA documents to support their use in quality measure programs.

A closed-loop referral use case topic will describe a multi-year mission to align testing efforts across IHE, HL7, and DirectTrust to amplify the benefits and accelerate the progress achieved through implementer testing.

Another topic will address new data classes and elements in the Draft US Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) V2. It will help implementers identify areas where their comments and input could make a difference in this important national data standardization effort.

As always, we will have the ‘Ask the ONC’ portion led by ONC representatives who make themselves available for questions from the implementer community. They will be talking about certification, the ONC Scorecard, USCDI V2 and the new Real World Testing program launching in December.

Lastly, implementers will get an update on the CDA Product Roadmap. This is an opportunity for implementers to provide feedback on their priorities and views regarding the use of CDA R2.0 and the potential use of CDA R2.1.

Click here to register for the Virtual HL7 C-CDA Implementation-A-Thon on March 24, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Eastern standard time.