HL7 Membership Has Its Advantages

Why Join HL7? 

Join a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to creating a world in which everyone can securely access and use the right health data when and where they need it. HL7 membership offers valuable resources and services for healthcare providers, government stakeholders, payers, pharmaceutical companies, vendors/suppliers, and consulting firms.

Your HL7 membership helps support the continued development of HL7 FHIR® and other standards crucial to achieving interoperability.

Here are some of the benefits of joining the HL7 community: 

  • Influence the technical and policy environment of the future by voting on standards
  • Show the industry that you are a leader who is helping to make interoperability a reality
  • Reduce your training budget

Review the HL7 membership brochure to learn more - HL7 is more than you think!